I recently came across the blog Big Bear's Wife as she was having a giveaway to raise money for the Light the Night Charity Walk.  This charity raises money for Lukemia research.  If you'd like to help out, here are the details:

Every year my family and I along with a few friends, walk in the local Light the Nigh Charity Walk for the Lukemia and Lymphoma society.

We started walking with Light the Night in memory of Robin Mantilia-Timmes (Nicole's mother - Nicole is one of my best friends) in 2009 and in 2010 added Joe Hill to the list and walked in honor of Joe Hill (a family friend, 13 years old) as well.

This year we are walking in honor of both Joe Hill and Robin Mantilia-Timmes.

On these nights, thousands of participants carrying illuminated balloons, walk and raise funds for vital, lifesaving research and patient services.

We are fighting for a cure for Lukemia.  We are walking for a cure for lukemia.  Help support us!

Here is our donation page
And here is my charity page on my site!

Thank you so much!

Angie Barrett
I can't always get my kids to eat healthily, but they adore this Millet Lasagna recipe.  They gladly gobble down spinach, artichokes and super healthy millet grains and don't even miss the tomatoes or refined noodles.  Serve it with a colorful salad for an extra nutritional punch.
Olivia by Ian Falconer is a favorite in our household.  The kids love the Olivia books because they are colorful, energetic and all about a spunky (and sometimes troublesome) little pig.  I love the books because they remind me that kids will be kids and it's best to look at their antics with a good sense of humor.  When my kids are acting up, it's a headache.  When someone else's kids are acting up, it's good literature.  Olivia's creativity is inspiring for my children, and it reminds me that kids need freedom to be creative.  Even if it lands them in their rooms while Mommy scrubs the walls.  This series is ever expanding as Olivia gets herself into all kinds of new mischief.  We can't wait to see what she's up to next - can you?



I want to share with you an article that really touched me today.  I truly believe that Post Partum Depression affects more women than we realize.  It can be hard for the woman to recognize, and some are even too ashamed to seek help.

I've always had brushes with 'the blues.'  I don't know whether to label it 'depression' or not, because I've never formally sought help.  But I do know that like clockwork (thanks mother nature), I come unglued.  For at least one week a month, I'm cranky, I weep easily, and I hate myself.  I'll snap over nothing at all and I've even contemplated "just walking away from it all" now and again.  It's awful.  I hope this isn't too TMI, but for me any fluctuation in hormones just makes me nuts.  I had to stop taking birth control pills because I was so down I was almost non-functional.  I would spend evenings weeping in the bathroom.  I would sleep nearly all day.  My husband felt like he didn't know me anymore. 

After my first two babies were born, I had the usual frustration and blues that come with sleep deprivation.  Our first had some weight loss issues and I had a LOT of healing to do after his birth - but in general, I was fine and functional again in a few weeks.  After baby #3 came along, though, things weren't ok.  I was overwhelmed dealing with 3 kids under the age of 3, and even though our newborn really was a sweet angel and was very much an 'easy baby,' I still felt out of control.  I became the mom that screamed - really screamed - at my kids.  Every little thing made me crazy.  I felt like I had completely lost my sense of identity and that the last thing I wanted was to be "mommy" for even one more day.  I cried all the time and felt like a terrible mother.  I had days I actually contemplated calling a sitter, packing my bags, and leaving my family to someone who could 'care for them better.'  Around 3.5-4 months post-partum, I actually began to fantasize about hurting myself.  Never suicidal, but I actually dreamed about inflicting pain on myself.  I'd been too afraid to say anything to anyone - I thought they'd tell me I was being silly and that I just needed to 'suck it up.'  I already felt spoiled because we had a part time nanny who gave me a break for 9 hours a week.  And I had good days where I was in control.  I didn't think anything was really wrong.  Until one days it clicked with me.  All the pamphlets I'd read said "if you ever think of hurting your child or yourself, seek professional help." 

I was just about to pick up the phone and find a professional counselor when, seemingly over night, I felt better.  The sun shone again, I felt joy again, life felt almost, well, normal.  I even started to feel good about myself.  I feel SO blessed that things cleared up for me like that.  Sure, I still have a rough day, but overall, I have hope.  However, I do wish that I'd sought counseling as soon as I'd started to despair.  I missed so much time with my daughter (and my older sons) that I will never get back  because I was too sad and despairing to enjoy them.  I don't want ANYone to go through what I went through - and I know I had a pretty mild case. 

So I want to recommend When the Bough Breaks: Ending the Stigma, Shame and Silence of Postpartum Mood Disorders  to everyone.  If this is you now, please seek help.  If you know someone who might have PPD - please reach out to them.  Thanks for taking the time to read my little PSA!
I don't really associate myself with the whole "green" movement.  I try my best to be eco-conscious, but frankly, I'm probably not very earth friendly.  When it comes to my kids, however, I am a stickler about chemicals.  I hate them.  I don't want to fill my kids with unnecessary junk for their little bodies to have to flush out.  I cloth diaper (most of the time) and use 'natural diapers' (most of the time) and even use cloth wipes sometimes.  My kids all drink from those stainless steel Kleen Kanteens (even the baby's sippy).  They eat their lunches out of stainless steel Lunchbots.  And I clean my house with vinegar.  Yes, all of it.  And no, we don't catch the flu or any other diseases any more often than most families.   So I thought I'd highlight some of my favorite "green" brands for you. 

1) Seventh Generation - from diapers to laundry soap to dishwashing detergent, I have loved almost everything I've bought from 7thgen.  The only product of theirs I haven't loved is their carpet spray.  Frankly, it doesn't work.  The stain doesn't come out at all.  And it's a little smelly.  However, the only carpet removers that have worked for us are Resolve (icky) and vinegar + baking soda + a TON of elbow grease.  The laundry detergent works wonders (and gets out smells even without perfumes) and the diapers are super heavy duty.  Overall one of my favorite eco-conscious companies.

2) Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day - The products smell yummy and work wonders.  Counters are sparkly, bathrooms are clean. Again, the carpet spray didn't work, but I don't think they even offer it anymore.  If I decided I were tired of my house smelling like pickles (hello vinegar), I might stock up on these cleaning products.  You know, if I weren't so darn cheap.

3) Bon Ami - ok, so this is a little more harsh, but still supposedly pretty non-toxic as far as scouring powder is concerned.  It's the only thing that gets my bathtubs clean.  I've tried baking powder.  I've tried vinegar soaks.  I've tried it all.  I'll stick with Bon Ami and a good long rinse.   And then lock it away in a high cupboard.  Even so, I do like that it's less harsh than, say, Comet and other scrubbers. 

4) Lunchbots and Kleen Kanteen - No, they aren't cheap, but I feel so much better about these BPA free, stainless steel cups and food containers.  They're portable, fair kid resistant (my kids have dropped their bottles all over and we've had no breakage yet) and dishwasher safe (let the Lunchbots air dry before putting them away to avoid rust).  I don't have to wonder "is this plastic really BPA free?"  or "what if they drop that glass bottle?"  Easy use, clean construction. 

5) Burt's Bees, Avalon Organics and Organic Wear - Organic face cleansers and makeup that actually work.  Unlike some organic makeup, Organic Wear shows up with just a thin layer and doesn't soak into my skin immediately.  And Burt's Bees and Avalon Organics keep my skin nice and clean and moisturized without exposing me to unnecessary chemicals.  Win win win.  If you don't like citrus scents, a lot of Burt's Bees items aren't for you.  But their product line is rapidly expanding and they are including other scents. 

Those are just a
Like a lot of women, I'll confess to having struggles with weight.  In college I had a brush with an eating disorder, dropping to 95 lbs.  After having 3 babies in 3 years, well, I'm not that thin anymore :p 

I wrote this post this morning after trying on an embarrassing number of outfits before finding something to wear to church that didn't make me feel like a whale.  Thought I'd pass it on as a reminder to us all that it's not about the lumps and bumps, but all about attitude instead! 
For Free Format Friday this week, I'd like to introduce you to my friend Erin with Keely Mae Designs.  Erin makes gorgeous bows (she's even custom made them to match outfits) - check out the interview below, and be sure to 'like' her on Facebook!

What is the name of your shop?
       Keely Mae Designs 
How did you come up with the name?
       It's a combination of my own and my daughter's middle names.  She was my inspiration! 
What has been your biggest shop inspiration?
       My Daughter, her passion for fashion is what started my desire to make hair accessories. 
What sorts of items do you make?
       Fashion hair clips, boutique hair bows and hair flowers. 
Do you take custom orders?
       Yes, I strive to accommodate to the best of my abilities. 
Tell us a little something about yourself:
       I started making hair bows about three years ago when I tired of the same hair bows and limited color selection from the store. After a few years of watching tutorials and working on my technique, I feel that our hair accessories are of a professional quality and competitively priced.  I hand sew each of my bows and try to make our hair accessories unique for everyone.
Anything else you want us to know?    
  I guarantee the quality of everything I sell!
I'm trying to move away from the sugary cinnamon toast my kids have become addicted to at breakfast time, so I thought I'd try protein-filled breakfast burritos instead.  My kids love things they can roll up and eat with their hands.  Unfortunately, gluten-free corn tortillas are too crumbly to roll up, so we wound up with 'casserole' instead.  My kids thought it tasted good, but they were pretty disappointed they didn't get to roll it.  Feel free to use flour tortillas instead and make these into actual burritos.

Breakfast Burrito Casserole

6 corn (or flour) tortillas
5 eggs
dash salt and pepper
1/2 cup black beans
6 tbsp salsa
2 oz cheddar or pepper jack cheese, shredded
1/2 cup avocado, diced
1/2 cup tomatoes diced

Shred tortillas and divide among 6 plates.  In medium frying pan, scramble the eggs with the salt and pepper.  Layer eggs over tortillas and top with black beans, salsa, cheese, tomato and avocado. 
Tip Junkie handmade projects
The Fontenot Four
Stuff I Love
Little Miss Nerd Girl
Stuff I Love
Sneakers Over Stilettos

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